Warmth, Love and Smiles for Mandela Day

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Spreading warmth, love and smiles amongst the North West Province’s most vulnerable children was the order of the day for Sun City and its employees on MandelaDay, 18 July 2015. Enthusiastically giving up more than 67 minutes of theirtime, the team spent the day travelling to various local children’s charities in the Bojanala District to distribute blankets, clothing and non-perishable food.
The donations were collected at the Sun City Sleep Out and over the past month as part of the resort’s Mandela Day initiative. Over 400 blankets were handed out to elated young children at the Itekeng Home Based Care Centre in Phatsima Village; Godisanang Orphanage and Vulnerable Centre in Mafenya Village; and the Orphanage and Vulnerable Centre in Ledig Village. Sun City collected around 2 000 blankets during its collection campaign. The remaining blankets and other items collected will be distributed to local charities in the days following Mandela Day.
Sun City also hosted over 70 children from Borite Primary School in Mabele-a-Podi and Thari Mmelegi Orphanage in Rietspruit for screenings of the Minions movie at its Epic Cinema. The children were treated to popcorn, slush puppies and a big box of smarties each at the cinema and thereafter enjoyed a scrumptious lunch from Steers and frozen yogurt from Smooch. For many of the youngsters,this was their first experience of watching a movie in a cinema.
“The smiles on the young children’s faces said it all. For Sun City, it is extremely rewarding to work with the North West community in honour of Mandela by lending a hand to vulnerable communities on Mandela Day.
“A special thanks to the people and businesses who made it possible. These include Spar, PEP and Liquor Store at Sun Village as well as Fidelity, 24/7 Security, Moses Kotana Municipality and the participating Sun City concessioners,” says Siphiwe Buthelezi, CSI Manager at Sun City.
The day’s festivities culminated with a spirited outdoor, family event on the Cabanas Lawns. Families, friends and youngsters from local children’s charities gathered to enjoy live entertainment and an array of food stalls.
For more information about Sun City visit www.suninternational.com. Like Sun City on Facebook SunCitySA and follow on Twitter SunCityResortSA

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