Get inspired by Roman’s Pizza and your masterpiece could win you Pizza for a year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s a delicious dream come true: show how crazy you are about Roman’s Pizza’s super-scrumptious pizza and win a year’s supply of pizza! The stakes are high though – contestants will need to come up with the most creative and original idea in SA to show that they are the ultimate #BiggestRomansPizzaFan.
Roman’s Pizza is encouraging all fans of their fresh and tasty pizza to come up with a fun and interesting idea that shows how much they love Roman’s Pizza. Write a poem, sing a song, draw a picture or create a sculpture out of an empty box – the sky is the limit, and entrants can unleash their imagination. Each entry must be uploaded to Roman’s Pizza’s social media pages on Facebook (RomansPizza Official) and Twitter (@romans_pizza) and must include the hashtags #Pizzaforayear and #BiggestRomansPizzaFan in order to qualify. Contestants must have three Roman’s Pizza till slips per entry as well.
The competition runs from the 1st of November until the 10th of December 2015, so all hungry pizza lovers are encouraged to start planning their entry as soon as possible. Winners will be announced on the 14th of December and one lucky Roman’s Pizza fan will walk away with the grand prize of one delectable double large box of pizza per month for 12 months at a store of their choice, starting on the 7th of January 2016. The three runners up will each get one double large box of pizza to snack on.
According to Bonnie Lee, Head of Marketing for Roman’s Pizza, “We love competitions that allow our fans to get creative and have some fun with our brand. Who could say no to a year’s worth of pizza – and all entrants have to do is find a clever way to express how much they love Roman’s Pizza. We look forward to receiving and judging all of the entries.”
For more information on Roman’s Pizza or to find a store, go to
Follow Roman’s Pizza on Facebook, share and comment on their page at and win monthly prizes such as free pizza.

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